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"A Whole Lot of Shakin going On"

“A Whole Lot of Shakin Going On”

Back in the day, Little Richards, Jerry Lewis, and others were known for their declaration: there is “a whole lot of shakin going on.” Beloved, as we connect through Facebook and other media, in the Spirit, there is indeed “a whole lot of shaking going on” – in other words; there is a shift in the spirit where Father is saying “enough is enough! “For I have extended mercy to you to allow you to repent and turn to me, yet, you have continued in your own way. Because you have persisted in doing so, judgment is coming. It will first begin at the household of those who profess to be mine but are, behind closed doors, conducting themselves as does the unbelievers”. 1 Peter 4:17 states, “For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?”

Beloved, Father is calling us to a higher standard than what we have been displaying among other believers and non-believers. It is time out for just going to church, getting the Word, but not living the Word. However, there remains those who have not bowed to Baal (1 Kings 19:18; Romans 11:4) and have stayed faithful. Beware, the faithful of God will be attacked by lukewarm believers and unbelievers alike - because they will not understand and what is happening around them because you who have stayed the course and have remained faithful will take on a new persona- a more precise identity in Christ. This new persona will cause those around you who are not in the Spirit to see “a new man” or a “new woman” – one they have never seen before, but instead of embracing you they will judge and criticize you. Is this not what the world did to Christ while He walked the earth? Just know that you are in good company! When the enemy comes in, like a flood, God will lift up a standard against him (the original was not punctuated with the comma after “like a flood,” it was actually after, “when the enemy comes in, that means, like a flood the Lord will lift up…).

There are those who have been in obscurity and felt forgotten but have remained faithful; you are the ones, Father is about to unveil to the world! You are those who are about to be used mightily of God. Those who have been in the limelight, but have misrepresented the Kingdom and Father’s Word by lifestyle, are about to be revealed as well. Everything that has been done in the dark is about to come to light! All will know who are the false prophets and who are really speak the oracles of God. For what a real prophet says comes to pass while that of a false prophet will “tickle the ears and make you feel that you are alright. In reality, as the word says, “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God’ (Romans 3:23), but Father sent a savior, Jesus Christ, and now that glory has been restored to those of us who can be lead by the Spirit (Romans 8:14). It is indeed the truth that God said he would not share His glory with another (Isaiah 48:11), but beloved, you are not “another,” You are a son or daughter of God! Pay close attention to this scripture and receive it - "I have given them the glory you gave me, so they may be one as we are one (John 17: 22) Jesus has given us, His disciples, followers, the same glory Father gave Him! So then, Beloved, as “the shakin” takes place just know, if you are rooted in Christ as you should be, you will remain. Stay the course and stand and see the salvation (deliverance) of the Lord. Oh! How He loves us so!

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